I am so here for evey rock star romance that wants to come my way.
I just love these books. The funny ones. The sad ones. The heartbreaking ones.
Give me all the rock stars!
This book was so sweet and so heartbreaking. Or rather heart-hurting.
That beautiful black cover kinda sets the mood for this whole book.
Ugh. Our poor darlings!
It's not all sad and hopeless. We have adorable and funny and music-y and rock stary moments. And I love the family moments - great parents and friends.
But the mood is so give-up-ish or defeatish. No idea what I mean.
Especially Lennon. She has that horrible eye condition where she can't drive or do much of anything really. But she's 29 and living at her parents doing nothing? Why? Why didn't she try so many more things in the past ten years? Yes, she tried finding jobs and companies are not good at making room for disabled people. But if you have the chance to live with your parents for free - go and make your dreams come true. Find your passion. Do something amazing. She could've at least jobbed at a dog shelter cuddling pups. But she did nothing but watch netflix and go to the bookstore. I was a bit disappointed with her to be honest.
(What she later does is perfect but it should've been mentioned a bit more earlier in the book!)
And Dylan. He gave up after the accident. Which is totally understandable. But he's also still alive and it's been four years and he has all that talent and ugh.
Those two got on my nerves quite a bit.
Which doesn't mean that I hated the story - I loved reading it!
They obviously get their happy end in life and love by the end of the book. It just takes a long while to get there.
Don't let me scare you away from loving this book. It's a beautiful and heartbreaking rock star love story. I just wanted to shake some sense into those two for some of the things they did or didn't do!
And P.S. I do not want to insult the author or belittle her problems - she has that same eye condition as our heroine Lennon - I was just a tiny bit mad at Lennon here and there - which I get with most characters in most books! LOL. Which is a talent of the author - to get people so invested in their inventions!
Don't mind me - nothing a rock star book does would ever make me hate rock star books!
THE GIRL IN THE FRONT ROW was a sweet and heartbreaking rock star love story.
A story about finally starting your best life with the person you were meant to be.
And before I get a million questions about cheating et cetera. Nobody really cheats here. There might be a tiny moment - but who wouldn't want to cheat on that idiot Peter? I would've just cut him out of the book entirely - he was so horrible.
So, obviously - she was seeing someone (Peter) for a few months while Dylan didn't date around. But they were never really together together in the first place - so no cheating there either.
Ugh. Too complicated?
I'm not a fan of love triangles - but nobody could love that idiot Peter and his horrible family anyway, so I wasn't worried.
(I have to say though - it was borderline domestic abuse what Peter did or how he behaved - she should've been out of there at the first sign that he was an idiot!)