Tuesday, 5 October 2021

🖤 Cat Johnson ⭐ HOME FRONT ⭐ Long Road Home Multi Author Series #5 🖤

 ©  Bianca ✰ Janeane ✰ 

• 5 October 2021
• standalone

• Long Road Home 
Book #5
4.5 Stars

When ranking his rotten luck, it was hard to decide which topped the list.

The injury that could end his career in the SEALs.

The storm of the century that stranded him in Atlanta Airport.

The naked man he found on top of his girlfriend . . .

One thing was certain. Things couldn't get much worse. Then he met her.

 Super star.

Super stuck up.

Super sexy.

Super engaged to be married...

It was just an odd job to tide him over while he waited to see if he'd heal enough to get back on the team. Close personal protection for a singer so famous even he'd heard of her. He was supposed to be her body guard. And guard her body he did. Day . . . and night. His new boss probably didn't have protection that close or that personal in mind.

He wasn't supposed to fall for her.

Then again, she wasn't supposed to be so smart, and funny, and wounded, and in need of saving.

Now he has a decision to make.

Quit the military career he'd worked half his life for and take the job as her permanent head of security, just to be near her.

Forget about her and take any job his command would give him in his current broken condition.

Or do the craziest thing of all. Confess his feelings and hope to make it work. With her. As a normal couple. A real couple, if that was even possible given who she was.


It's an impossible decision, but he'll be damned if he'll let her stalker or his bullet make it for him.

Luna + Kyle

Kyle loves his life as a Navy SEAL, but now a shattered ankle might kill his career a bit too early.
He also loves his family, but he's not too happy about possibly joining his dad and brother in their construction company.
Enter pop superstar Luna.
She has a stalker and needs protection.

Luna and Kyle go from insta un-like to super sparky and very likey-like. LOL!



I love SEAL stories and I love rock star stories.
It wasn't really either here. We're not a real SEAL at the moment and Luna is not really a rock star and we're not in a war zone or on tour, but I still loved reading this!
Kyle is a bit grumpy and sad because his dream life might be over. And Luna is just the right person to bring some joy back into his life - even though her life is not a lot of roses and sunshine either at the moment. Those two are just perfect for each other! But can they have a forever kind of thing with their jobs?
We'll find out!

I was a tiny bit confused about all those other military guys and this Blessing lady. I'm confused a lot - so don't worry. If you followed this series, you would've met them all. (I haven't!) I did however read all of Cat's books - so I knew all the guys from the GAPS Security company! 😎

HOME FRONT was an adorable + sparky + little bit heartbreaking + funny + exciting Navy SEAL Pop Star love story! Run to your nearest amazon for your own Kyle - this one is MINE!

Copy received from author for an honest review

I love everything that I have read by Cat Johnson - I mean, come on, she had me at SEAL!

And when the singer meets the SEAL, you know I am on it like white on rice!

It is not really SEALy or rock starry, but that is fine.  It is more about the mystery and our lovelies loving on each other

I loved seeing the GAPS guys, and I did like meeting the other military guys and Blessing, but didn't know what their stories were as I have not (yet)read the other books in the series.

Ms Johnson could write the chinese takeaway menu and I would read it hahah

I look forward to what she brings us next.



Other Books by Cat:


Cat's Mudvill Rom-Coms
Book #1


 Book #2


Book #3


Book #4

Book #5

 It all started in first grade when Cat Johnson won the essay contest at Hawthorne Elementary School and got to ride in the Chief of Police's car in the Memorial Day Parade...and the rest, as they say, is history. As an adult, Cat generally tries to stay out of police cars and is thrilled to be writing for a living. She has been published under a different name in the Young Adult genre, but released her first romance in 2006.

Today, she is a NY Times & USA Today best-selling, award-winning author of contemporary romance and contracted with Kensington and Samhain Publishing. She's also sponsored real live bull riding cowboys.

--from the author's website