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He’s the nation’s chief law maker. His daughter is fighting for her life in intensive care, a victim of a terrible crime. Will he ignore the prime minister’s demands and his own laws to save her? Or will politics and the Catholic Church prevent him from doing his job?
A political thriller that pits moral ethics against political pragmatism in a suspenseful and gripping story exposing the mysterious world of politics.
- 'This novel has such a fascinating concept at its heart, and you brought the characters to life brilliantly.’ – C.dB.
- I thoroughly enjoyed the book and did not want to put the book down, but neither did I want the story to end! Congratulations!– TRINITY MARKETING.
Treasurer, Parker Osborne, initiates a covert plan, in partnership with Vatican emissary, Cardinal Rosseau, to guarantee proposed euthanasia legislation is destined for failure in the national parliament triggering a leadership challenge.
Leadership rival and Attorney General, Charles Stevedore, witnessed his wife suffer a prolonged death and agrees to prepare euthanasia legislation for the prime minister. He is forced to question his politics when his daughter is brutally attacked and left for dead, now surviving on life-support. Will he switch off the machines… or not?
Cardinal Rosseau captivated by the ferociousness of Australian politics plans his own coup d'état whilst Osborne counts his numbers and prepares to take high office knowing his elevation to prime minister will witness the crucial end of euthanasia legislation.
In a surprising development, the prime minister makes a decision which changes everything.
The Kill Bill is a gripping political thriller featuring emotional and surprising plot twists, convincing characters, and exposes the black-art of politics that will have you cheering. If you like fast-paced, page-turning thrillers that draw you into the story then Richard Evans’ fourth book will not disappoint you.
ARC received from 852 Press for an honest review
Wow! Richard Evans has given us his best book yet with The Kill Bill.
From the moment I picked this book up, I was hooked. I didn't want to put it down to go to work,
Many stories and lives intertwine, all seamlessly coming together as we wander through the minefield that is voluntary euthanasia (note, I am all for it. We treat animals better at end of life than we do human beings, but that is a debate to have with me another day).
One thing that I am certain about is that we need a separation of church and state. As an athiest myself, I do not want a church telling me how to live my life, and they should not be getting involved in our government systems (again, another debate to have with me another day) and when the Vatican gets itself involved in Australian legislation in The Kill Bill, it cements that for me. They have enough things they should be looking at in their own house instead of getting involved here.
And it only made me hate the church more.
I like how the main players in this tale - The Prime Minister, the Attorney General and a PM wannabe/treasurer take different stands on the church involvement, even when they are conflicted. I liked how this was dealt with.
Richard Evans experience as a politician shines through as he tells a tale full of scandals, ethical dilemmas, and the tale as old as time - everyone out for what they can get for themselves.
He delivers the world of political and church machinations, the wheelings and dealings that will get you thinking (and probably adding another healthy level of cynacism to it!)
I hope we get more of the Referendum series in the future.