✰ Bianca ✰
• standalone Holiday Rom-Com
• ... and since we always see a lot of former heroes in a Max Monroe book, why not start with Max Monroe's very first and very hilarious book ►Tapping The Billionaire◄
4.9 Stars

Deadline: Sixty days.
That’s possible, right?
HAHAHA. *Faints*
I’m kidding. Well, kind of. I mean, I’m not going to attempt a shotgun wedding or try to get knocked up by some guy I met on the internet, but there is no doubt that, this year, home for the holidays takes on a whole new, terrifying meaning.
I have to travel from New York City—my home and safe haven for the last fifteen years—to my tiny hometown in Vermont for Christmas, my baby sister’s wedding, and my high school reunion.
Talk about a trifecta of single-doom.
Throw in Callie Camden—aka my high school class’s version of Regina George—and it’s a recipe for certified disaster.
Especially since my mouth ran away from me when she asked me if I’d be bringing someone to our reunion, and I told her to put me down for two.
Gah. Now I can’t go alone.
But the online dating world is a cesspool of bad manners, speedy hookups, and outright weirdos.
Handsome, single, successful—that’s what I’m looking for.
And it just so happens that my best friend Luke London fits all of the criteria.
The only problem is best friends don’t kiss…
But maybe it doesn’t count if it’s pretend?
Ava and Luke.
They've been best friends for 15 years - since day one at New York's Columbia University.
After going through a few horrible dating app dates - we all know she'll take Luke ... ☺
I adored this!
Ava and Luke. They could've fallen in love back then - there was attraction ... but it never happened. But of course now we so want it to happen. And it's so adorable to watch it all play out!
What more can I say? READ IT!
This was just the cutest #RomCom!
I adored all the people and things!!
I especially loved the dad and his Christmas obsession! Adorable!
How are none of Max Monroe's books streaming their behinds off on Netflix yet??? The world is a weird and sad place!!
I only get two steps toward my door when my phone starts
ringing from inside my purse. I dig it back out again to find an unknown number
with a Vermont area code flashing on the screen.
I know I should let it roll to voice mail, but Aunt Poppy
called me from jail one time, and I never heard the end of how I wasted her one
phone call by not answering.
Reluctantly, I hit the green button and put it to my ear.
“Ava! It’s Callie!”
Damn Aunt Poppy and her fascination with streaking!
“Oh, uh…hi, Callie…”
“Sorry to bother you, but I had one more question to ask,
and since I now have your number, I figured I’d just call you really quick!”
Greattt. “Sure thing,” I say with saccharine sweetness.
“Since I have to finalize the head count for the venue by
tomorrow, I need to know if I should just put you down as a single,” she
begins. “Pretty sure your mom told me you weren’t married or engaged or dating
anyone, but I just want to double-check that you’re still single. Honestly, I
think you’re one of only ten people from our high school that isn’t married yet!”
she exclaims through an amused giggle.
I put my phone on speaker, drop it down on my entry table,
and give it the double finger with as much gusto as I can manage.
Obviously unaware of my display, she continues. “So crazy
that most of us have reached the age where we’re married, and some with kids
now. Which, by the way, I can’t believe your baby sister Kate is getting
married before you. Soon, you’re going to be the only single Lucie left!”
My tongue is tied by an imaginary angry fist, but it doesn’t
matter. One of the only positive qualities Callie possesses is the ability to
carry on an entire conversation herself.
“By the way, you’re the best for helping me plan the
“That’s me.” The best people-pleasing lunatic in NYC who
really should look into finding a good therapist to help me work through all of
this before I have to head home to Vermont to watch my baby sister get married
in the same week I get to attend a fifteen-year high school reunion I somehow
got roped into helping plan. With the Regina George of my high school class. In
less than two short months from now.
Okay. So, I don’t need to find a therapist; I need to find
Jesus. I just hope he lives in Manhattan.
“So…one or two?” Callie asks, pulling me from the deep recesses
of my thoughts.
“One or two?”
She giggles again. It’s like nails on a chalkboard to my
ears. “How many people should I put you down for, silly?”
This is a remake of Nightmare on Elm Street; it has to be. A
new Halloween movie or something. Michael Myers himself must be right outside
my freaking door. That’s the only way the universe would be cruel enough to add
Callie’s interest into the swirling, boiling pot my family already has roasting
over the Ava’s Relationship Status fire.
Just like that, it hits me. I cannot go to this reunion and
attend my baby sister’s wedding alone in the same damn week. I just…can’t.
I completely break under the fucking pressure of it all, and
the words blurt from my lips before I can stop them. “Two.”
“Uh…yeah… I’ll be bringing my…boyfriend.”
You’ll be…what? You don’t have a boyfriend, Looney Tunes!
“Your boyfriend? Oh, how exciting! Your mom didn’t tell me
you were seeing someone!”
“It’s…uh…fairly new.”
Yeah, it sure is. It hasn’t even fucking started yet…
Thinking better of my answer, I add to it quickly before
Callie can undercut it. “But serious. Really serious, actually. We’ve just been
keeping it private so we can enjoy the perfectness by ourselves for a while.”
Dear God, Ava.
“That’s so awesome! What’s his name?”
Yeah, Ava! Tell your old archnemesis all about your
imaginary boyfriend!
Panic sets in when I realize there is absolutely no way I
can talk myself out of this conversation. So, I do what anyone in my situation
would do—avoid it.
Three bangs of my fist to my own freaking door, I end the
call in a rush, “Oh shoot, Callie! I have to go. My boyfriend just got here,
and we’re already late for a big, fancy Halloween party in SoHo. Talk soon!
Bye!” Click.
It’s official. I’m pathetic.
I might as well be Debra Messing’s character in The Wedding
Sure, my sister didn’t have an affair with my ex while I was
still dating him, but she is my baby sister whose impending nuptials will make
me the oldest and last single Lucie sister. And now, because I let Callie
fucking Camden get the best of me with her backhanded bullshit, I told the
snooty biotch that I have a boyfriend and I’d help plan the reunion.
Oy vey.
Call me crazy, but I highly doubt I can find a hot,
Dermot-Mulroney-looking escort in under sixty days.
You know, you could just be an adult about this and tell
Callie how you really feel—that you don’t have a boyfriend and you don’t want
to help plan that stupid reunion with someone who was a total bitch to you in
high school…
That would certainly be the easy way out, wouldn’t it?
Too bad my damn pride is making that feel like an impossible
On a heavy sigh, I drop my phone back in my purse, sling my
bag over my shoulder, snag the stupid invitation off the counter, head straight
out of my apartment, and stride right across the hall, barging through my best
friend’s unlocked front door.
I swear, one of the best things Luke and I ever did was rent
apartments in the same building—and on the same floor—from his rich uncle Gary.
It makes freak-out moments like this a heck of a lot easier to handle.
My go-go boots pound across the hardwood floors as I make a
beeline past Luke—who is standing in his living room—dump my purse, and head
straight for the kitchen.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where’s the fire?” he says on a laugh.
“Please tell me you haven’t gone old-school and brought a hot plate into your
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Standalone Sex Says

Book #1 in the Twisted Fairytales series:

The #StoneColdFox Trilogy
Book #1

#Book 2
Book #3

Over two years ago, a dynamic duo of romance authors teamed up under the pseudonym Max Monroe, and, well, the rest is history...