Monday, 28 September 2020

✪ Storm Damage ✪ CP Smith ✪

Logan Storm, an ex-Delta Force sniper, with scars on the inside, is drifting through life on his way to nowhere. While trying to make peace with his past, Logan
encounters a young bar owner and her brothers, with trouble brewing the size of Montana.

Skylar James is worn out. She's trying to raise her two teenage brothers and hold on to the only home they’ve ever known: 500 acres won by her father in a poker game before they were born.

Luckily for Skylar, Logan finds the peace he’s been looking for in the all-American beauty and decides to stick around Ennis, Montana just as adversaries renew
old feuds and bodies begin to pile up in the aftermath.


ARC received for an honest review
It feels an absolute age since we have had a new story from CP Smith.  However, it has been worth every single second of the wait to get Storm Damage.
You know what you are going to get with one of her stories.  Alpha man. Strong woman. Insta-love (I am not a big fan of the insta-love, but it doesn't worry me with CP's stories as the stories are so well plotted out, it doesn't feel real quick).
Logan and Skylar's story is all that and a bag of chips. I was consumed from the minute I opened up this book until I regretfully put it down after the last word.  Regretfully, as I didn't want it to end.
There is murder, mystery and mayhem as you read.  You pretty well know who is doing stuff, but it is the journey of the why that takes you on a rollercoaster of a story.  Just when you think things are sorted out, BAM, you turn the page and are again blown away.
Ms Smith gives us such well rounded out characters.  Logan and Skylar are fighting to find their peace, and with the help of family and friends, maybe they can find it.  Skylar's brothers and her best friends are amazing, and I neeeeeed Jamie's story to happen.  Things are alluded to in this book so I hope we get her story in the futute.
I am a bit over the alpha-hole thing in my books, however Logan Storm is very much the exception to that rule for me at the moment. And that all comes down to Ms Smith's writing.
Now I need to move to Montana, find me a Logan (or heck, maybe I can find Dutton Ranch whilst I am there) and live happily every after!


CP Smith lives in Oklahoma with her husband and five children. She loves football, reading, and card games. Writing for her is about escape. She writes what she loves to read, and leaves the rest to those with better imaginations.