Tuesday 29 October 2019

✪ The Changing Room ✪ Christine Sykes ✪

Published 1st November 2019
Ventura Press (Impact Press)

‘Vain trifles as they seem, clothes have, they say, more important offices than to merely keep us warm. They change our view of the world and the world’s view of us.' 
- Virginia Woolf

Anna is in her sixties with her dream job and the man to match. Claire is a fourty-six-year-old philanthropist with a picture-perfect family. And then there is Molly, who has seen more strife in her twenty years than anyone should, but has more love to give than most.

When their lives are turned upside down, these women must discover how to start over amid a world of pain. Guided by Suitability, a clothing an styling service for disadvantaged women, Anna, Claire and Molly find the courage to rebuild their lives – with a few outfit changes along the way.

Inspired by the experiences of the women behind the charity Dress for Success, The Changing Room proves that sometimes losing everything leads you towards freedom, and that hope can be found even in the unlikeliest of places.

Copy received from Ventura/Impact Press for an honest review

Firstly - Dress for Success, the inspiration for The Changing Room has been doing wonderful things for women for many years.  If you haven't heard of them, look them up.

This is Christine Sykes debut novel, and has a wonderful premise.  Different women, different backgrounds, all with one common goal - getting women back into the workforce and regaining their self esteem and self worth through clothing.

Anna, Claire and Molly are all so different, yet whist forging new friendships, they are becoming more self aware and more confident.

I did find that the dialogue was a bit stilted at times, and as for molly - there is fine line between sounding Australian and coming across as boganish - and Molly unfortunately fell on the bogan side of that line.  I found myself rolling my eyes and cringing as I was reading her parts.

I didn't find myself really connecting with any of the ladies - though that is to be expected I suppose when I have never been in any of their positions.

I did enjoy the story thought, and was happy with where the characters ended up in their lives.

Christine Sykes was a volunteer at Dress for Success Sydney for over four years. She served as a Senior Public Servant for 30 years. Now retired, she enjoys the life’s simple pleasures, and is regularly involved in tap dancing, acting, painting and playing the flute. Christine lives with her partner on the south coast of Sydney.