4.5 Stars

It all started with a wedding…
Well, three weddings, to be exact. The one that happened, the one that went up in flames, and the one nobody saw coming.
Andrew Collings has seen a lot of things living in Vegas. Hell, he’s done a lot of things. But one thing he’s never witnessed is a beautiful brunette, hitchhiking her way into the city, wearing a wedding dress. Until now, that is.
Brynne Adams is running away from a broken heart. She expected a lot of things from her wedding day but finding photos of her fiancé and maid of honor and best man in a compromising position wasn’t one of them. She most certainly never imagined that she’d end up marrying the handsome stranger that rescued her from the side of the road that day.
Andrew and Brynne’s quick nuptials may have been the result of a drunken joke, but they soon realize that love can be found in the most unlikely of places if you just stop and take a chance.
We remember Andrew from the 3rd Wicked Horse Vegas Book. He was the third in the relationship of Dane and Avril. They had some erotic fun as a threesome for a while - after being best friends since college - but now Dane and Avril got married. And Andrew is completely okay with that. He was never in love with Avril.
On his way home from the party .... Andrew comes across a Runaway Bride on the side of the road... ☺
On his way home from the party .... Andrew comes across a Runaway Bride on the side of the road... ☺

Well, this was cute.
You immediately adore Andrew and Brynne. And then they get insta-married and want to keep seeing each other after that one night. Really adorable! And it seems to work. But of course there's a BUT! ☺ They'll get their HEA in the end of course, it might just take them a tiny little bit longer once the 'truth' comes out. But the reader definitely has a great time reading about this sexy and fun falling-in-love-after-you've-got-married romance!
I had some problems with the writing...as with every Sawyer book. It wasn't bad this time ... I had huge hopes that she stopped doing it, but it started around the 20% mark - world record for SB!!!
It's Sawyer's and my THING ☺ It's only me who has those problems with her writing. So please don't be worried or just scroll down and don't read the following...
I have a HUGE AS problem! ☺ You know the AS's I'm talking about? The AS that could/should be exchanged for a SINCE or a BECAUSE or just a comma/dot/pause/whatever.☺ It's a British and or a legal thing (if it's a thing at all!) and it doesn't have anything to do in an American book by an American author. I would be ok with it if one (British) character would use it, but everyone uses it! I really don't want to insult Sawyer. I love her books, but ... please stop doing it. But pfff who am I to tell her what to do, so just forget I said anything! It doesn't stop her books from being great!
WICKED WEDDING was a fun and sexy insta-wedding romance! Very adorable!!!!!
ARC received for an honest review
If you have read Wicked Envy, you have
already met our leading man Andrew/Drew
After being part of a threesome
relationship with is two best friends, he took a step back when Dane and Avril
fell in love, remember?
Well, Drew finds his own bride - in the
most unusual of ways. However right from the get go you can't help but adore
Drew and Brynne.
Their instawedding was a joke, but
their feelings aren't and I adored watching them fall in love.
Of course, it is not all smooth
sailing, and I wanted to slap some sense in to both of them at times, but I
just knew that they would find their way back to each other.
I love a good drunken-Vegas-wedding
story, and Wicked Wedding was exactly what I needed last night. Sweet, sexy and tender, I couldn't help but
smile as I read.
I can't wait for what Ms Bennett brings us next.