Thursday, 20 September 2018

✪ The Fall Before Flight ✪ LM Halloran ✪ Cover Reveal ✪

Title: The Fall Before Flight
Author: L.M. Halloran
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: October 11, 2018

The faster you fall, the harder you hit.

I didn’t try to kill myself. It was an accident. 
No, more than that — a natural disaster. 
Fate’s fickle lightning strike.

No one believes me. 

I can't blame them, really. 
There’s something wrong with me. 
I'm incapable of emotions that come naturally to
— fear, love, compassion. 

I might be a sociopath.

Everyone thinks I’m beyond help.
Everyone but Dr. Leo Chastain.

One of us is going to break the other. 

Care to place a bet?

When not writing or reading, the author enjoys walking
barefoot, subjecting her husband to questionable recipes, and chasing her spirited toddler. She's a rabid fan of coffee, moon-gazing, and small dogs that resemble Ewoks. Home is San Diego, CA, but her heart lives in Portland.