Monday, 27 April 2015

§ Overruled § Emma Chase § Legal Briefs #1 §

© Bianca Janeane

The Legal Briefs #1
• release date: 28 April 2015
• 272 pages
• Book #2 Sustained will be out 25 August
• Book #3 Appealed will be out 17 November

5 Stars

Emma Chase, New York Times bestselling author of the Tangled Series, returns with the first installment of the Legal Briefs Series.

As a DC defense attorney, Stanton Shaw keeps his head cool, his questions sharp, and his arguments irrefutable. They don’t call him the Jury Charmer for nothing
with his southern drawl, disarming smile and captivating green eyes he’s a hard man to say no to. Men want to be him and women want to be thoroughly cross examined by him.

Stanton’s a man with a plan. And for a while, life was going according to that plan.

Until the day he receives an invitation to the wedding of his high school sweetheart and mother of his beloved ten-year old daughter. Jenny is getting married
to someone who isn’t him.

That's definitely not part of the plan.

Sofia Santos is a city raised, no-nonsense litigator who plans to become the most revered criminal defense attorney in the country. She doesn’t have time for relationships or distractions.

But when Stanton, her "friend with mind-blowing benefits" begs for help, she finds herself out of her element, out of her depth, and obviously out of her mind. Because she agrees to go with him
to The-Middle-Of-Nowhere, Mississippi to do all she can to help Stanton win back the woman he loves.

Her head tells her she's crazy...and her heart says something else entirely.

What happens when you mix a one stop-light town, two professional arguers, a homecoming queen, four big brothers, some Jimmy Dean sausage and a gun-toting Nana?

The Bourbon flows, passions rise and even the best laid plans get overruled by the desires of the heart.

The story starts 12 years ago - in Sunshine, Mississippi.
Stanton and his girlfriend Jenny just found out that they're having a baby - and they're still in High School. Stanton is supposed to leave for Columbia University in NY soon. And even though he wants to do the right thing and stay with Jenny - she begs him to go and try to build a good future for them.
And he does leave - a few weeks after baby Presley is born.
He leaves his whole world back in Mississippi - but he knows that he has to get a good education to be able to provide for his girls. Even though he misses them like crazy!

After a while they decide to have a more open relationship - to try out other people - see if what they have is really all that they think it is.....

Then it's 10 years later - Stanton is a jury-charming defense attorny in Washington D.C.

....and Jenny is about to get married - and not to him!!!

That can't be happening, he thinks, and invites his 'friends-with-benefits'-colleague Sofia to be his date to said wedding - which he will try to stop from happening!

Sofia - she loves her life as a lawyer and she's pretty sure that this 'friends-with-benefits' thing she has with Stanton is about to turn into more... does she want that? Will he want it??
And what about his family in Mississippi - she knows that he's still in love with Jenny...

Lots of interesting stuff will happen in Stanton's home-town...lots of funny things...lots of sexy things...
Lots of attempts to stop the wedding...
But.... is he really still in love with Jenn?


I'm not telling you that of course

Ok - no Cliffhanger!

I really enjoyed this book.
And yayyy - surprise - our darling Drew Evans - from Emma's Tangled Series has a few cameos here too... (back in college and in the present too) adorable!!!

Stanton is such a great guy - in the beginning when he just wants to do what's right for Jenny and the baby and then later, when he's this hot-shot attorney.... He's so cute and sexy and funny. Only he's an idiot too, because he thinks he can have both Jenn back home and Sofia in D.C. - he doesn't see that Sofia is falling for him - and he especially doesn't notice that he's falling for her too ☺ #Men ☺

And Sofia - she's really cool too - happy to be in this 'affair' thingy she has with him - but still - she wants more... but she knows that she probably never will have all of him... most of his heart is back in Mississippi.

The book was really funny and very sexy - I even shed some tears ☺
 There was lots of lawyer-talk and a bunch of hilarious co-stars:
Sofia and Stanton's colleagues Brent and Jake - adorable!!!

Did I love the book? And does it deserve my 5 Stars?
Yes, your Honor, I did and it does! ☺

OVERRULED was a really adorable and funny and verrry hot Romance!!!

Can't wait for book #2 ☺

ARC received for an honest review

Another series from the fabulous Emma Chase - let me at it!

From the minute we meet Stanton and Jenny back in their high school days, you just know that he going to be a stand up kind of guy.  When their lives change in an instant, he doesn't run away like a lesser man does.

12 years later, when his career in DC is about to really take off, he gets the news that he never thought he would hear - Jenny is getting married - to someone else.

Sofia, Stanton's friend with benefits agrees to help him get "his girl" back, even as it breaks her heart to do so.

Oh Stanton, I wanted to shake some sense into the man!  How could he not see that what he wants, what he needs is standing in front of him, not the woman he always thought he was meant to be with

My heart shatters for Sofia as Stanton keeps pursuing his first love at her expense.  Stanton was a bit of a jerk to her, wanting his cake and eating it too.  Gah, men!  Hey, sleep with me but help me get my girl back?  Yeah, NO!!!  But I could feel the pull between the two and that kind of thing is hard to ignore, or resist.  

To quote Forrest Gump... "I'm not a smart man Jenny, but I know what love is."  That may be so, but does he know who it is with?

Overruled is a smart, sassy, sexy story.  While at times I was laughing out loud, there were other times where I shed a few ugly tears as well.

Well played, Ms Chase, well played!

Oooh and a really great part of Overruled?  We got a bit more of my man Drew Evans!  Both past and present! Woohoo!!!!  And her work colleagues Brent and Jake are great.  Can't wait for more of them!

So, will Stanton keep chasing his past, or will he finally see what it right in front of him,and get the HEA he is after?

Nope, for that you are going to have to read for yourself.

Can't wait for book #2 Sustained.


#PreOrder Book #2 Sustained:

#PreOrder Book #3 Appealed:


By day, Emma Chase is a devoted wife and mother of two who resides in a small, rural town in New Jersey. By night she is a keyboard crusader, toiling away the hours to bring her colorful characters and their endless antics to life. She has a long standing love/hate relationship with caffeine.

Emma is an avid reader. Before her children were born she was known to consume whole books in a single day. Writing has also always been a passion and with the 2013 release of her debut romantic comedy, Tangled, the ability to now call herself an author is nothing less than a dream come true.