Friday, 3 April 2015

♦ After Dark ♦ M. Pierce ♦ Night Owl #3 ♦ BLOG TOUR ♦

© Bianca Janeane
Night Owl #3
• 272 pages

• released 24 March 2015

5 Stars

In the final novel of the Night Owl Trilogy from bestselling author M. Pierce, can a passion that has withstood many ordeals become a love strong enough to last a lifetime?

At twenty-nine, Matt Sky is trying to return to normal, having faked his death and come back to life. He and Hannah move to a simple house in the suburbs, and strive to grow their relationship into something durable and honest. They become more and more entangled, in the best ways possible.

At twenty-eight, Hannah finally has the life she's always wanted: she's pursuing her career as a literary agent at Granite Wing Agency, she is writing her first solo novel, and she is living with her hot, passionate lover. For the first time, Matt and Hannah are able to explore intimacy without inhibitions
without lies, secrets, or jealousyand the results are explosive.

Still life together is not as easy as it seems. Matt is estranged from his brothers in the wake of his cruel stunt; Seth Sky, embittered by his failed pursuit of Hannah, makes a play for Hannah's sister; and the topic of Hannah's novel
her relationship with Matt and the Sky familyis driving a wedge between her and Matt. The lovers are devoted to one another, having come through many ordeals, but is their bond strong enough to last a lifetime?

"Spend all you have for loveliness.
Buy it and never count the cost."
-Sara Teasdale "Barter"

Last Light ended with Hannah proposing to Matt backstage at the talkshow - remember?

But Matt doesn't believe that Hannah is serious, he thinks she just said it to make the audience forget about his faked death. But of course she was serious - she loves him and wants to spend the rest of her life with him.
But Matt thinks that she can't decide that at this point in their relationship - because he thinks that she doesn't know the real Matt yet. There's still sooo much hidden - things he wants and needs - things he doesn't think he can ever tell her about - because she might leave him....

On the professional side, Hannah is being promoted at the agency...
And Matt is about finished with his next book - with EVERYTHING in it - everything that Hannah doesn't really want the world to know...

And of course we also have Matt's brother Seth again - with Hannah's sister Chrissy....they might have done something, that resulted in something ☺

Matt can't deal with some of Hannah's plans for their future life and Hannah doesn't know how to deal with what Matt wants.
Plus all the tension between them because Hannah is talking to Seth again....and the new book and this and that.... ☺

Lots of problems to overcome until Matt & Hannah can even think about having a Happy Ever After....



Nope - I'm not telling you



When I saw this ARC on my Kindle I was sooo shocked again - just like with Last Light ☺
I couldn't believe that the waiting time was over already!!!
I LOOOVE MATTHEW! He's such a sweet guy with sooo many problems and you just can't help but want to give him a hug and more ;) #TotalFangirl


This series is soo amazing!
So different from other books out there.

Matt is such an ass - such a total Anti-Hero really, but we totally love his assholery!!
...... he's sooo adorable and hot and sexy and dominant and cute and did I mention adorable? With his cute little pet rabbit?? ♥

I'm not sure which book I loved more - Night Owl or Last Light or After Dark...
They were all three so intensely captivating but at the same time amazingly different ....

This last book starts right where Last Light left us..with Hannah proposing to Matt at the Talk Show.
But it doesn't really go the way he expected it to go - well, ok - it's Matt we're talking about, so we should expect everything ☺

I loved every minute of it. All the big emotional moments...

and all those sexy and romantic moments...

But there was also lots of cute and funny stuff - like that Matthew is now on Facebook and twitter ☺

We also dive in deeper into Matthew's psychological problems. We have lots of appointments with his therapist and we understand a little bit more why he is the way he is....

But just like the first two books, this last one in the series is really absolutely emotional. It was all so very moving and sad and there were some - or lots of moments where I wanted to slap or shake the hell out of our Night Owl!!! Grrrr - that man!! I was really scared where this was all going ...

And if you fell in love with Matt and Hannah in NIGHT OWL & LAST LIGHT - you will love them even more now ☺

I especially loved the last three lines of the last chapter (not the epilogue!) I had tears in my eyes again!
And another line I loved - that's not in the story, but I still loved it - no idea why I almost had to cry, but the three words M. Pierce uses in the beginning: For Anna, always.
Soooo beautiful. I'm weird, I know ☺

AFTER DARK was an amazingly emotional erotic Romance! I couldn't put it down! So sad that it's over now. Perfect ending to a perfect series!

Really sad that this story is now over :( but now I'm excited for whatever comes next

ARC received from St Martin's Press/St Martin's Griffin via Netgalley for an honest review

You need to have read the first two books, Night Owl and Last Light prior to reading After Dark - review may be a bit spoilery if you haven't!!

I love those mornings when I get an email saying a book I have been impatiently waiting for is available for me to read.

And boy, was I impatient for After Dark!  After the way Last Light ended I needed to know what happened next.

And as with this whole series, what you expected is not always what you are going to get.

After Hannah's proposal at the end of Last Light, things are going to be easy for her and Matt - right?

Nothing in their relationship has ever been sweet and easy, and we are again taken on an emotional rollercoaster as Hannah and Matt struggle with the every day.

More than once - well truthfully, most of the book - I wanted to slap some sense into our wonderful Night Owl.  The way he treated our little Bird frustrated me, angered me, made me sad.  I know it is how he has always been, but OMG it was ramped up to the max here! 

There are plenty of emotional moments in After Dark - some expected but some completely blind sided me!  Like a punch to the gut, completely took the wind out of my sails

So can their lives back in the limelight be happy times, or will they be too much for our lovers?  Will their love survive?

Nuh uh, for that you are going to have to read this series for yourself.

Oh, and I have to say that I really enjoyed the epilogue!!

I have been drawn into this series from the minute I first opened Night Owl.  I have anxiously awaited each new installment, needing to know what was going to happen next.  Thank you M. Pierce for bringing Matt and Hannah into my life.

Now this series is over (sad face), I am looking forward to what we get next.



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M. PIERCE is the bestselling author of Night Owl, book one in the erotic Night Owl Trilogy. The author lives in Colorado and owns a rabbit named Laurence.