Tuesday, 10 September 2024

♥ Embracing The Change (River Rain #6) ♥ Kristen Ashley ♥



 From New York Times bestselling author Kristen Ashley comes the new book in her River Rain Series, Embracing the Change.

That Kiss…

Gorgeous New York socialite, Nora Ellington has been waiting a very long time for her happily ever after.

So long, she’s given up on it and has decided, even though she’s the plus-one friend without benefits to a man she’s head over heels in love with, an HEA will forever be out of her reach.

Handsome billionaire Jamie Oakley thought he’d had two happily ever afters in his life. However, neither lasted long, and both ended in tragedy. He’s not about to try it again or put his children through the trauma Jamie has learned from experience undoubtedly will come their way.

And he’s made this decision even if the woman who’s become his constant companion is a woman he loves straight to his soul….and wants with everything that is him.

But then, one night, Jamie loses control and kisses Nora.

He can’t go there.

She can’t go on without it.

They’ll never be the same.

Or will they?


ARC received for an honest review 

You know what I really like about a Kristen Ashley book?

It is how we get more mature aged characters, issues that are more realistic to an old fart like me (don't get me wrong, I love the stories about those in their 20s, but the older I get, the harder it can be for me to really connect with them).

I have been holding my breath for the previous 5 books that Nora and Jamie finally get their HEA.  Nora has been there for a long time, and I was along with her as she did what she was doing for Jamie and his family, all the while my heart was breaking for her as she gave up hope that she would ever get the man she loved in the way she deserved.

Now, this could be a stand alone, however there is a story line and characters that carry through the whole series. And even as someone who has read the whole series, I did at times get confused with who was who, what was what. I kind of needed my own murder board with all the characters and string connecting everyone - but that could also be my bookzheimers!

I adore everyone in this series- well, except a couple of people who I blow big raspberries at every time they are on the page.

It has been a while since I have really dived into a KA series, but Embracing The Change has me feeling like I need to reread the whole lot again. 






For more information about Kristen Ashley, visit:


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