Tuesday, 12 June 2018

✤ ATTICUS ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿถ S. Bennett ✤

© Bianca Janeane

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• Release Day 10 June 2018

A heart-warming and deliciously funny story about the world’s worst behaved dog and how he taught his human how to love again. Atticus will take the reader on a wild romp of mischievous misadventures in search of a much needed happily ever after.

• Follow the real Atticus on ►Instagram
5 Stars

Through the haze of vodka and self-loathing, Hazel Roundtree saw the poor creature lying in a ditch.

One brown eye. One blue.
Covered in mud and crying from pain, the puppy was desperately trying to free itself from a hopeless situation.

She almost kept walking by. She had her own problems and besides
no one had ever stopped to help her.

Who we’re ultimately meant to be is a journey without end, but there’s always a defined start

Hazel had no idea the dog would be her beginning, her second chance, the miracle she never saw coming. She named him Atticus. He grew up to be a very bad
and completely awesomedog.

A heart-warming and deliciously funny story about the world’s worst behaved dog and how he taught his human how to love again. Atticus will take the reader on a wild romp of mischievous misadventures in search of a much needed happily ever after.

Hazel is 32 years old. She's a bit lost in life. She never really found her place.
She left her parents and school when she was 18 and 'in love' and started working as a bar tender. Then she was married for six years and now she's living on a friend's couch, because her cheating hubby kicked her out of the house.
And then she finds Atticus.
Atticus wandered off when his owners were showing off his adorable siblings to buyers. Atticus probably wouldn't have sold for a good price because he has two different colored eyes. Not a good thing for buyers of such an expensive breed.
He wandered off because his already mega curious nose was drawn to the smell of meat in a neighbor's garden - but he got lost and ended up in a ditch - freezing, hurt and hungry.
Both Atticus and Hazel befriend the local vet. He helps them deal with their new life as pet owner and pet. And Hazel helps the old doc by working off Atticus's bill and by breathing life into the old vet practice again.

Awwww that was so mega adorable!

This book is told in both Atticus and Hazel's POV and that is soo super cute!
Atticus is your typical dog. Mega happy to be alive and to belong to Hazel and to have food and get to play and to just be. And he gets in a lot of trouble!
And Hazel. She never used to care for anything. Or anybody else. Since she left her parents, she always had to look out for only herself. And now here's this little guy who requests all her attention and love and time. And she loves it. Finally someone who loves her madly. If only she would find a guy like that too! ☺ But this story is not really about that... at least not yet ;)

It was the most heartbreakingly adorable book. I loved reading about every moment in the new life of our two darlings and their new friends! There were so many funny moments, moving moments, sad moments, heartbreaking moments, adorable moments. I had lots of tears in my eyes!

Every little Atticus moments is just beyond beautiful. Every time he said that he's SO HAPPY TO BE WITH HAZEL or that he WAS SOOO HAPPY HE ALMOST PEED, BUT HE DIDN'T, BECAUSE HE WANTED TO BE A GOOD BOY FOR HAZEL ... ugh - I just wanted to cry every single time! He's sooo amazing and a menace of course! ☺☺

Such an AMAZING book with an amazing story about being lost and finding friends and love and hope and belonging and ... just read it - please! It's not your typical romance. Hazel doesn't meet her guy until very late into the book - it's mostly about Atticus and second chances and finding yourself and helping others and starting again and ugh nuff said .... 5 BIG AND FAT STARS!

I had some problems with the writing...as with every Sawyer book. It's Sawyer's and my THING ☺ It's only me who has those problems with her writing. So please don't be worried or just scroll down and don't read the following...
  I have a HUGE AS problem! ☺ You know the AS's I'm talking about? The AS that could/should be exchanged for a SINCE or a BECAUSE or just a comma/dot/pause/whatever.☺ It's a British and or legal thing (if it's a thing at all!) and it doesn't have anything to do in an American book by an American author. I would be ok with it if one (British) character would use it, but everyone uses it! I really don't want to insult Sawyer. I love her books, but  ... please stop doing it. But pfff who am I to tell her what to do, so just forget I said anything! It doesn't stop her books from being great! Even though there were OVER THIRTY ASSES IN THIS BOOK! Ugh! 

ATTICUS was the most adorable & beautiful & heartbreaking story about a woman and a dog who both needed love and a forever home!!!!! Run to your nearest amazon for your own Atticus - this one is MINE!


ARC received for an honest review.

Welp, this book was not what I was expecting.  And I am not saying that in a bad way.  I am saying that in an "OMG this book is so much more than I was expecting" way.

I was expecting a sweet and fun book about a dog called Atticus.  And whilst I got that, I got so much more.

Told in dual POV - Atticus the dog's POV, and his owner Hazel's POV.

What we are given is so,so much more.  It is a tail - yeah, I didn't misspell that - of unconditional love, of finding our way when all hope is lost, friendship and family.

I love, love, love the story from Atticus' POV.  I know we think that dog's can't understand us, but gosh I wish they are thinking like him.  Though I know when it comes to food, they are allll thinking like him.

Another thing I wasn't expecting was all the emotions.  Oh god, the feels!  I spent plenty of time reading Atticus through tears - I didn't sign up for that Miss Bennett!

Another thing this book has done has made me miss my Rani girl a lot this week.  She crossed the rainbow bridge last year and it has made me think about her a lot.

Full of funny, sad, heartwarming, loving moments, run out and buy a copy of Atticus - you won't be disappointed.

Oh, and make sure you follow real life Atticus on Instagram @atticuscrazydog.


 USA Today Best-Selling Author, Sawyer Bennett is a snarky southern woman and reformed trial lawyer who decided to finally start putting on paper all of the stories that were floating in her head. She is married to a mobster (well, a market researcher) and they have two big, furry dogs who hog the bed. Sawyer would like to report she doesn't have many weaknesses but can be bribed with a nominal amount of milk chocolate.