• Boys of Fallout #1
• release date: 6 December 2016
• 227 pages
• standalone!
4.5 Stars
Danny 'Madman' Maddox isn’t supposed to make Skylar Haze's heart beat out of rhythm.
At least not anymore.
She hasn't seen that boyish face, always covered in a five o'clock shadow, dimpled smile and teasing hazel eyes since the day he left to go on tour with her brother Joey's band. Now with a major record label backing them the band is in need of a bit of help, and when Joey asks Skylar to be the band's photographer, she can't help but say yes.
Of course, Joey doesn’t know about that forbidden kiss.
The one Skylar hopes Danny’s forgotten.
But can she?
One smile and she finds herself slipping again.
But he’s the drummer, and he’s beaten her heart before.
And she won’t let it happen again.
18 year old Skylar doesn't really know what to do with her life. Her parents want her to go to college and she wants to do something with her passion for photography.
About to sign on for summer classes her big brother comes up with the most perfect idea!
She's going to come on tour with their band and be their tour photographer!
They've been doing this official band thing for three years now - ever since they left their hometown when they were 18.
The only problem with this new job is Danny. Skylar's first love. Her first kiss and the guy who never called these last three years.
He's been her best friend growing up. And she was the only one he could confide in about his horrible home-life.
And now they're supposed to live together in a tiny tour bus?
About to sign on for summer classes her big brother comes up with the most perfect idea!
She's going to come on tour with their band and be their tour photographer!
They've been doing this official band thing for three years now - ever since they left their hometown when they were 18.
The only problem with this new job is Danny. Skylar's first love. Her first kiss and the guy who never called these last three years.
He's been her best friend growing up. And she was the only one he could confide in about his horrible home-life.
And now they're supposed to live together in a tiny tour bus?
And poor brother Joey - he doesn't know a thing about the history of his little sister and his best buddy!


Give me a rockstar book and I'm happy. This is and will always be my favorite kind of romance!

And this story was adorably rockstarish!
I loved the whole rockstar part of it. We're on tour - on the bus - on stage - doing promo stuff like radio interviews and mall signings and video shoots.
I want to go back 20 years and be Skylar! This would've been my dream back then. Living on a tourbus with 3 guys who love you like brothers. Or in Danny's case of course NOT like a brother! ☺
And since I have to say I would have to go back in time 20 years for me to be that age, this book was a tiny little bit too young for me. Skylar is 18. All through the book she's 18 and the guys are 21/22. And she's a skater-girl. That is so far outside my real life. I only know male skaters - and those only in the 1990's ☺
But anyway - I still loved the story.
Next to being rockstars on tour, we deal with something very serious, something that's always there, has always been a problem and will unfortunately always be a thing in schools: BULLYING!
Skylar had huge problems at school once the guys left to be rockstars.
And even though some years have gone buy, she's still stuck in that painful time. But Danny and the boys will help her with that!
They're all so adorable. Slightly over-the-top crazy in Zack's case! ☺
I loved them all!
Can't wait which band or bandmember will be in the next book!
OUT OF BEAT was an amazingy adorable and serious rockstar romance! Run to your nearest amazon for your own ride in that tourbus!!!!
If I had to name some things I didn't like... As I mentioned before, the age thing. I'm a bit old for such books. And I don't know if it's because of their age, but I was a bit disappointed that we didn't have any SEX in here. We fade to black before the only sex happens. I don't like books - rockstar books - without any sexy scenes. It was still adorably romantic but I missed it.
The writing was a bit weird here and there. Some expressions got on my nerves after reading them 20 times. Like HE COUGHED IN HIS HAND - SHE PUT HER CHIN ON HER SHOULDER - weird things like that. Too often.
BUT - other than that I really enjoyed the book. I finished it in one day!
4.5 Stars - most of those stars are for the rockstarness of the book ☺

And this story was adorably rockstarish!
I loved the whole rockstar part of it. We're on tour - on the bus - on stage - doing promo stuff like radio interviews and mall signings and video shoots.
I want to go back 20 years and be Skylar! This would've been my dream back then. Living on a tourbus with 3 guys who love you like brothers. Or in Danny's case of course NOT like a brother! ☺
And since I have to say I would have to go back in time 20 years for me to be that age, this book was a tiny little bit too young for me. Skylar is 18. All through the book she's 18 and the guys are 21/22. And she's a skater-girl. That is so far outside my real life. I only know male skaters - and those only in the 1990's ☺
But anyway - I still loved the story.
Next to being rockstars on tour, we deal with something very serious, something that's always there, has always been a problem and will unfortunately always be a thing in schools: BULLYING!
Skylar had huge problems at school once the guys left to be rockstars.
And even though some years have gone buy, she's still stuck in that painful time. But Danny and the boys will help her with that!
They're all so adorable. Slightly over-the-top crazy in Zack's case! ☺
I loved them all!
Can't wait which band or bandmember will be in the next book!
OUT OF BEAT was an amazingy adorable and serious rockstar romance! Run to your nearest amazon for your own ride in that tourbus!!!!
The writing was a bit weird here and there. Some expressions got on my nerves after reading them 20 times. Like HE COUGHED IN HIS HAND - SHE PUT HER CHIN ON HER SHOULDER - weird things like that. Too often.
BUT - other than that I really enjoyed the book. I finished it in one day!
4.5 Stars - most of those stars are for the rockstarness of the book ☺