Tuesday, 24 May 2016

✪ Game Maker (Game #2) ✪ BJ Harvey ✪ Release Blitz & Giveaway ✪

From the USA Today bestselling author of the Bliss series comes a new spin off series featuring your favorite Bliss series characters who are yet to meet their match. This time it is Zach and Danika's turn.

Im a gamer by nature and by profession. Im all about strategy, performance, and coming out on top.

Five months ago I threw caution to the wind, and in the first miscalculated step of my twenty-one­year life, I made a move on my brothers best friend.

The first mistake we made was keeping our relationship secret. The next was going off half-cocked when a train wreck of epic proportions hit us.

Now our secret is secret no more. As I struggle to deal with all of the swirling emotions, conflicted feelings, and the multitude of burned bridges that I need to mend, the one person who can help me through it all is the same man I need space from.

To fix it Ill have to pull on my big­girl panties, focus on what I truly want in life, and put everything I have into winning the most important game Ill ever play.

Life is a game, and it is what you make it.

Coming out unscathed is a whole other matter.

 ARC received for an honest review


BJ Harvey has done it again with Game Maker, and *Shock gasp* I think #TeamTaylorSandwich may have a bit of competition for my affections.

Danika Roberts (Zander's baby sister) is the perfect combination of sweet, sass, sexy and geek.  And has been besotted with Zach since she knew what it was to like boys.

Zach is just... can I just say that I am in love with a sexy Chicago fireman?  I mean really, who wouldn't want to slide down his pole and play with his hose???
This is more than just Zach and Dani finding each other, finding love.  This is a story of friendship, being torn between love and loyalty, family and friends.

There were plenty of times I just wanted to  slap some sense into Dani - for such a smart girl she was making some silly decisions.  I could understand why at first, but as the story continued I am not sure if she frustrated me more that she did Zach!

I loved that we got more of that incestuous little group from the Bliss series! I can't help but laugh out loud at some of their antics and conversations.

Game Maker is sexy and sweet and hot as Hades, along with a lot of emotion and heart.

I think this may turn into my favourite BJ Harvey series!

BJ Harvey is the USA Today Bestselling Author of the Bliss Series. She also regards herself as a smut peddler, suspense conjurer and a funny romance thinker upper.

An avid music fan, you will always find her singing some hit song badly but loving every minute  of it.

Shes a wife, a mom to two beautiful girls, and hails from what she considers as the best country  in the worldNew Zealand.