The explosive conclusion to the Vagabonds trilogy!
Find out in the final tale of the Vagabonds trilogy!
ARC received for an honest review
I am sad to see this trilogy end with On The Rocks. On The Rocks was I feel the best, and my favourite of the 3 installments. From stars in their eyes, the sex, drugs and rock and roll culture, to present day, Kyle Summers has told us her story. We were left on cliffhanger with the second installment, On The Rocks, and I was impatient to learn where Kyle was at in this installment. From the first book, we have seen Kyle mature in her life, her career, her love life. Now she is branching out on her own career wise, and we see her really come to the fore. Though her love life, and particularly her relationship with CJ is a hot mess. It had my stomach in knots as I was taken on a emotional rollercoaster. I just want them to be happy dammit!! And CJ - might have swooned just a little in couple of places this book! There were plenty of twists and turns in this book, but I knew that Ms Jamison would not let me down in the end. Oooh and there were some great cameos with the boys from Last Five Seconds (Jet/Clay's band from the bullet series) If you like your rock star books a little different, a little grittier than the norm, then the Vagabonds could be just the thing that you need. |
"literary" fiction, but she found herself compelled to write what you read by her today--sometimes gritty, raw, realistic stories and other times humorous, light tales--but most of the stories she writes revolve around relationships and characters finding their way through life.
While she doesn't confine herself to just one genre, nor is there a nice neat label for what she writes, most of her work could be called erotic romance. Her main writing
passions include rock star romance, romantic comedy, and romantic suspense.
She lives in Colorado with her husband and four children.