
Friday 24 January 2020

✪ Nine First Dates ✪ Jennifer Ryder ✪ Blog Tour ✪

Abbie, 25, Canberra.
Aspiring event planner. Foodie. Aquarius.
Coffee will always be my number-one beverage and I love watching sports.
The gym isn’t for me—I love bike riding, camping and exploring the outdoors.
Oh, and doughnuts are life.
Looking for a partner to explore with and enjoy the good things in life.

My new year’s resolution is to find a partner. Someone I can snort-laugh and get down and dirty with. Someone who gains the approval of my mum, but with whom I can also share this crazy ride called life. Not too much to ask, right?

Thanks to my high school sweetheart, I’ve spent two years in Singletown, but now I’m putting myself out there: Abbie 2.0. I’m positive that the new, confident version of me will find love before Christmas.

I’m not going for a type. That’s got me into trouble before. I’m going to spread the net wide, as my late father would say. Better chance at catching a fish—I mean, a man, that way.

But can I snag the man of my dreams? Or will this expedition end in a catch I just can’t keep?

ARC received for an honest review

If you have tried dating in the 21st century, particularly online dating, you will have had a story or two like our lovely Abbie.

Ms Ryder has taken us on a journey full of cautionary tales of dating today, with lots of laughs and OMG moments.

You can't help but fall in love with Abbie as each dates comes to pass.  Your heart will be full of laughter, however it will also hurt at times as each guy comes and goes into Abbie's life. You can't help but give up with her, whilst at the same time have that glimmer of hope that the next guy will be "the one".

I adore her brother Will and their relationship.  I feel that I need to know more of him.

This was a quick read, and just the thing that I needed, a couple of hours to myself during this busy Christmas period.  I need my book time, people!

I am looking forward to whatever Ms Ryder brings us next


Aussie Author, Mum, part-time Wonder Woman and avid coffee lover.

She loves to write about boys on dirt bikes, detectives and strong females who aren’t afraid to fight for what they want.

Born and bred in Canberra, now living on a rural property in New South Wales, Australia, she enjoys the best of city and country. Her loving husband is ever willing to provide inspiration, and her two young cherubs, Jack-Russell called Buddy and sheep that don't see fences as barriers, keep life more than interesting.